

南传人物 2024-08-20



(Recite before meditation)

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhasa (three times)

If I have committed any evil physical deeds (large or small), any evil verbal deeds (large and small), any evil mental deeds ( large or small ), against the Lord Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, my parents, teachers and all sentient beings from the beginning of Samsara up to the present moment, then I bow down and pray for forgiveness for having done every evil deed against any living being.

Exalted Buddha, during the duration of this meditation session, I donate my Five Khandhas for the purpose of attaining Nibbana.

Venerable Sunlun Gu-Kyaung Sayadaw, during the duration of this meditation session, I donate my Five Khandhas for the purpose of attaining Nibbana.

May all beings who are subject to rebirth in the 31 States of Samsara be happy! ( Repeat this three times)

I share this merit with all the beings in the 31 States.Please share in my merit by calling Sadhu. ( Well Done)

I wish to share in all the meritorious deeds done by good beings. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu.

〔译者注:31 States,指众生或有情在三界中存在的三十一种状态,即(1)欲界中的地狱、饿鬼、畜生、人、阿修罗等五道和六个欲界天、(2)色界中的十六个色界天和(3)无色界中的四个无色界天。〕
